
meet Zevugul, mom's new D&D character. she's a half-orc cleric from a insular village full of women. she's on a journey to learn about the rest of the world, and…

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Carrion Bonewreath

this is Carrion, my sister's character for our upcoming D&D game. they're a tiefling druid with a badger friend and a penchant for headbutting things. trying something new with image…

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a much needed update

it's been...almost a year since i made a public post. it's been an eventful year. last year, i built a firepit with my sister, and built a deck and rebuilt…

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life stuff, i guess

it's been seven months or so since i last wrote anything here, so i suppose it's time for an update. health-wise, i'm doing good, i think. i've lost some weight,…

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politics and friends

i've been thinking a lot on the nature of friendship, especially with the political upheaval in the US that's coming to a head. i've talked a few times about my…

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religion and friends

i've had some thoughts percolating in my head for the past couple of weeks, and think maybe i can do something with them now. the election is over. in two…

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bad day

to paraphrase the Bene Gesserit, "i will let it pass over me and through me. and when it is gone, only i will remain."

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366 days.

what do i say here? what more can i say? how many ways can i say it? i miss you. i love you. you're forever in my heart. i listened…

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